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“I Said This; You Heard That. How Your Wiring Colors Your Communication”
Don’t miss our 6 week Summer Online Bible study! Starts June 16. Cost: $20. Must sign up and you WILL NEED THE STUDY GUIDE (A 100% MUST with this study). Leisurely summer study with very little homework (about 30 mins a week) Words are powerful! They create (and destroy) confidence. They start (and wreck) relationships. They land (and lose) jobs. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” Ephesians 4:29. Word can help or hurt! Your words have the power to shape other people’s lives! This study is beneficial in your marriage, relationships w/your children and others, your ministry, and your job! Join me as we seek to be people who build others up!
You either pay online on this page or at the welcome center.
(If you need assistance in the purchase of the book, please talk to Sandi)
Don’t miss our 6 week Summer Online Bible study! Starts June 16. Cost: $20. Must sign up and you WILL NEED THE STUDY GUIDE (A 100% MUST with this study). Leisurely summer study with very little homework (about 30 mins a week) Words are powerful! They create (and destroy) confidence. They start (and wreck) relationships. They land (and lose) jobs. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” Ephesians 4:29. Word can help or hurt! Your words have the power to shape other people’s lives! This study is beneficial in your marriage, relationships w/your children and others, your ministry, and your job! Join me as we seek to be people who build others up!
You either pay online on this page or at the welcome center.
(If you need assistance in the purchase of the book, please talk to Sandi)